Maximize Your Life, Not Just Your Business.

Our Mission

To help you make more money and live a better life!

Who Are We?

The Max Community is a heart-centered, faith-friendly, freedom-loving, excellence-pursuing, fun, innovative, tech-savvy online business community that creates pathways of FREEDOM for small business owners, their families and communities. We help you find your Path to Profit, your Mission and Impact.


We accomplish our mission (to help you make more money and lead a better life) through the power of heart-centered, maximized community. You will learn what that means as you attend Max events and plug into the community!

We also are the BEST revenue-sharing community on the planet to help you develop multiple streams of income, starting with optimizing your own business, then we pay you when you invite other people to our community, then through our entire Max Affiliate Superstore where you can make money by recommending any of our Max tools, other Max member services, and even by having your own products and services on the Superstore (and help you promote it).

The "revenue sharing" part begins with our paid Team and Pro memberships, but you can start for free with our Max Free membership which includes free MAX3R networking almost daily. See START then Max Free above.

Regarding our day-to-day process, we use the 3-phase, 12-element Max Wheel of Success (below) to help you to build your dream, clarify your business vision, create a strategic roadmap, streamline your business process (including establishing clear, daily "success habits" for yourself), build a "business machine" with tools andsoftware to add "leverage," arm you with willing collaborators and a whole community full of enthusiastic sales people (yes, for YOUR program), and much more! We can't explain it all right here but ...

We invite you to the MAX JOURNEY!

What Else?

The Max Community supports local businesses and communities through innovation, relationship-based networking, revenue-sharing and higher profits, value-driven results and impact, and freedom and prosperity for all.











The Max Wheel of Success

Some of the 12 Max Wheel of Success themes or elements.

We help Business Owners & Entrepreneurs to Clarify their Vision

Establish your Strategic Roadmap with Max's 12-factor Success Blueprint

Build a 24/7 Biz Machine with Tools, Systems & Software

Partner with a Max Dream Team To Grow Your Business Profits

Grow into Servant Leaders who serve with your unique Super Powers

Live a Dream Life, and send a message of Love to the World!

With The Max Community (TMC), your very own Dream Team, you can achieve your Dream Business, Dream Life, and Dream Impact on your Family, Community and World.