A community resource of MAX3R and The Max Community.

We do the work. You just get paid!

What's on the Superstore?

Max PRO membership. Essential Business Technology. Coaching Services.

Courses & Masterclasses. Community Memberships & Programs. Free gifts & more!

Can I get my own product on the Superstore?

Sure! Ask us how ...


Upgrade to Max Pro membership, put your own product on the Superstore,

increase your own product sales, then earn by referring other Superstore products!

How does it work?

Anyone can shop on the Superstore! No membership is required.

Great products. Great prices! Community support!

Upgrade to Max Pro

To earn as an Affiliate or get your own product on the Max Affiliate Superstore,

just become a Max Pro member! Incredible extra benefits include:

Elite Networking

Max Marketing Mastermind (weekly)

Max Money Club (weekly)

Atomic Success Club (Starfish member option)

Marketing & Streams of Income

Affiliate Status with the Superstore - earn by referring!

Your own Product on the Superstore

Your own Video Sales Letter on our YouTube channel

Option to have your own group on MAX3R / Heartbeat

Huge discounts on Max Pro CRM & other Max tech

50% off VA services, and much more!

Affiliate Program Details

When you join Max Pro, you can request your own affiliate links

for any product or service on the Max Affiliate Superstore.

We provide an Affiliate portal to view and track your sales, or your affiliates,

and a sales force of members to help you sell your great stuff!

For a small setup charge, your own products can be on the Superstore!

We provide links to your product(s), a landing page, assist with a VSL (video sales letter),

and, wait for it!, we even put your VSL up on our YouTube channel!

Earn by inviting people to the community. Earn by referring!

No other online business community is so well-monetized!

It's time to develop multiple streams of income

and achieve financial freedom!

Please add me to MAX3R on Heartbeat - FREE!

Choose the appropriate link below to join.

Free Max Members

This code adds you to Heartbeat / OBN Events / TMC-Free

Not yet a FREE member of Max3R?

Choose the appropriate link below to join us on Heartbeat.

Join MAX3R for FREE!

This code adds you to Heartbeat / OBN Events / TMC-Free

Paid PRO Members

This code adds you to all of the above PLUS ... our Max PRO private group.

If you want to join our Max Team membership, it's $100/month, or SAVE BIG with our Lifetime offer. You'll save thousands over the next 3-5 years, and we even offer payments.

This also qualifies you for our Max PRO Affiliate program whereby you can receive commissions from 20% to 30% for referring people to our Max memberships, Max Pro CRM, Max technology, plus have your own product or service on our Max Affiliate Superstore.

Max Pro membership adds Max Marketing Mastermind and Max Money Club, the Max Pro Affiliate program, BIG discounts on having your own group on MAX3R, and more!

Are you ready to collaborate, build our community, and earn?

The time is NOW!